All investigators in mass transfer assumed plug flow of gas in packed beds. 所有传递问题的研究者都假定在填充床层中的气体为活塞流。
Spiral Up-Flow Reactor; Biological Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal; Plug Flow Reactor; Characteristic of Sludge; Mechanism Model; 螺旋升流式反应器;生物脱氮除磷;活塞流反应器;污泥特性;代谢机理模型;
Upstairs, the thick smoke was hanging just a few feet above the floor. Study on the Plug Flow of Medium-consistency Pulp Suspensions by Experiment 楼上,浓烟悬浮在离地面仅仅几英尺处。中浓纸浆悬浮液塞流流动的实验研究
Plug flow reactor ( PFR) and Continuous stirred tank reactor ( CSTR) were studied to compare their performance for treating dairy manure. 对推流式反应器(PFR)和完全混合式反应器(CSTR)用于牛粪液厌氧消化的性能进行了比较研究。
The paper gives quantitative analyses of dynamical parameters in an au-to-regulating and auto-forming plug flow pneumatic conveying system firstly. 本文首次定量分析了自成栓自动调节栓流系统中动力参数的相互关系。
However, plug flow happens often in this technology, which will bring great damage on the vibratility of pipeline and lead to unstable operation of processing equipments by the end of the pipeline. 但气液混输管道中常出现段塞流,段塞流对管道具有振动性破坏并导致管道末端工艺处理设备的不稳定运行。
Application of multi-sensor time fusion to plug flow measurement 应用多传感器时间融合的塞状流测量研究
No obvious change is observed for the transition between plug flow and slug flow. 研究中没有观察到表面性剂对塞状流与弹状流转换的影响。
Kinetics of the Semi Plug Flow Reactor Activated Sludge System 半推流式活性污泥系统反应动力学分析
This paper presents an analytical solution for the plug flow region bounds and pressure drop of steady-state axial laminar flow of incompressible Herschel-Bulkley fluids in the concentric annuli of drilling wells. 从理论上对赫谢尔-巴尔克莱(Herschel-Bulkley)流体在同心环空内稳定轴向层流流动时流核尺寸及流动压降的计算进行了精确的分析。
In this paper, a model to characterize the melt flow for multi-strand tundish was presented to calculate the fractions of plug flow, mixed flow and dead volumes, and the model was compared with those of the presented approaches. 本文提出了针对多流中间包流动特性的分析模型,为多流中间包内的活塞区、混合区、死区体积分数的定量计算提供理论依据,并与已有的分析方法进行了比较。
ABR is very stable to shock load and has the characteristics of plug flow reactor and tow phase reactor. ABR对负荷冲击有良好的适应性,且具有推流式和两相式反应器的双重特点。
Investigation on the Relations of the Dynamic Parameters of Dense-phase Pneumatic Conveying with Plug Flow System 栓流密相气力输送系统动态参数之间关系的研究
Plug flow is a common and complicated flow state in gas& non-Newtonian/ two phase flow liquid. 气体&非牛顿液体两相流动中的段塞流是常见而又十分复杂的流动型态。
Compared with the traditional expanded bed, the gas-liquid-solid three phase riser is closer to the plug flow reactor. 与传统的气液固三相流化床相比,气液固三相提升管反应器更接近理想的平推流反应器。
Quantitative Analyses of Relationships Between Dynamical Parameters in Plug Flow System 栓流系统中动态参数相互关系的定量分析
Design for Complete Mixing/ Circulating Plug Flow Annular A~ 2O Process 完全混合&循环推流环型A~2/O工艺设计
Flow pattern of the system approximate the ideal plug flow; 系统内的水流流态非常接近理想推流;
With these energy features as inputs, five flow patterns such as bubble flow, plug flow, stratified flow, slug flow and annular flow are identified using BP neural network. BP神经网络以这些能量特征量为输入对油气两相流不同流型(包括泡状流、塞状流、层状流、弹状流和环状流)进行分类。
Wall shear stress method integrates the plug flow displacing, the low speed displacing and the turbulent flow displacing methods in theory. 壁面剪应力设计方法,从理论上把塞流顶替、低速顶替及紊流顶替技术统一起来。
The results show that the flow pattern in the reactor is close to plug flow. 结果表明:增加搅拌装置后,反应器内的流动型态仍接近活塞流;
By means of rearranging the measures for improving hydraulic efficiency, and setting up the optimized mathematic model with four and seven baffle plates, the hydraulic efficiency of whole flow field was improved significantly, so that the flow field approached the ideal plug flow. 通过对上述改进流场水力效率的措施进行整合,建立了四挡板和七挡板优化数学模型,明显提高了整个流场的水力效率,使得流场接近活塞流的理想状况。
A superstructure model of reactor network is developed using plug flow reac-tor ( PFR) and continuous stirred tank reactor ( CSTR). 以平推流反应器(PFR)和全混流反应器(CSTR)作为基本反应器类型建立了一个反应器网络的超结构模型,构造了超结构模型的非线性规划问题。
The differential pressure signals of flow in a horizontal pipe are studied by wavelet analysis. The flow pattern can be recognized easily according to the characteristics of plug flow and wave flow. 采用小波变换分析水平管流上的压差信号,根据段塞流与波状流的小波分析特性,可容易地识别流型。
With the variation of flow rates and qualities, the flow patterns can be divided into bubbly flow, plug flow, stratified-wavy flow, intermittent flow and annular flow. 随着流量和干度的变化,流型可划分为泡状流、塞状流、分层波状流、间歇流以及环状流。
But settling column can simulate plug flow or ideal horizontal sedimentation tank directly. 但是,沉淀柱可以直接模拟理论沉淀池;
A mathematical model was established for catalytic dehydrogenation of butane in plug flow membrane reactor. 建立了模拟真实实验室膜反应器的数学模型:活塞流数学模型。
Hydraulic characteristics were gradually close to plug flow with increasing Reynolds number, and tailing effect was also weakened. 增大雷诺数,反应器的水力特性逐渐接近理想推流,水流的拖尾现象也随之被弱化。
Plug flow feature in the PFR was maintained with high circulation flow, large PFR volume and small diameter. 增大循环流量、PFR部分体积或者采用较小的管径均有利于保持PFR中平推流特性。